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Overview of DeBN

DeBN Program:

Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (DeBN) is a FREE and voluntary service that allows debtors to request delivery of court notices and orders sent through the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) by email rather than by U.S. Mail.

Bankruptcy Noticing Center:

The Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) sends notices and orders from all bankruptcy courts to debtors and other parties in bankruptcy cases.

How to Request DeBN:

  1. Obtain a Debtor’s Electronic Noticing Request Form from the court’s website.
  2. Complete and sign the form.
  3. If represented by an attorney, the attorney may electronically file the form with the court.  If you are filing without an attorney, you may mail the form to the court.   

Note: If both debtors in a joint case request enrollment in DeBN, each debtor must file a separate request form.

DeBN Requirements
How DeBN Email Works
Request Form