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Obtaining Copies of Documents

Options to Obtaining Copies of Documents

  1. Internet Documents, which have been electronically imaged, can be accessed on the internet via the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) program.  PACER is an electronic public access service that issues users a login & password to obtain case and docket information online.  For information about PACER registration, please contact PACER at 1-800-676-6856 or at PACER Service Center

  2. Email/U.S. Postal Mail/Fax – The court can email, mail or fax copies to you.  Payment is required in advance.  The fee for copies made by court staff is $0.50 per page.  Requests must be made by filling out a Copy Request form and then mailing to the court with payment.  To determine the number of pages for copies, you may contact the court by calling (616) 456-2693, M-F, 8AM – 4PM or by emailing

  3. Clerk’s Office - Copies of documents in pending files may be obtained by visiting the clerk’s office.  Documents can be printed from the court’s Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system from one of several public computers in the clerk’s office lobby.  The fee for copies of documents printed from one of these public computers is $0.10 per page.

On September 14, 2010, the Judicial Conference amended the policy on privacy and public access to electronic case files by restricting public access through PACER of documents in bankruptcy cases (including claims) that were filed before December 1, 2003, and that have been closed for more than one year. For these cases filed before December 1, 2003:

  •  The docket sheet and docket information will remain available to the general public via PACER.
  •  Documents that were previously unrestricted are now available only to court users, case participants, and anyone using a public terminal at the courthouse.
  •  The public can print copies of these documents (except those under seal) from the court's public computers at the front counter. 
  •  Access to documents in bankruptcy case appeals filed in the district courts, bankruptcy appellate panels, or courts of appeals for bankruptcy cases filed in the bankruptcy court prior to December 1, 2003, will be similarly restricted.


Certified Copies

Copies may be certified in one of two ways: 1) with a raised seal or 2) with an ink stamp.  Copies certified with a raised seal will only be returned to requestors via the U.S. Postal Service.  Certified copies made with an ink stamp can be obtained via mail, fax, or email.  The fee for certified documents is $12.00 plus $0.50 per page.  Requests for certified copies must be made by filling out a Copy Request Form and submitting it to the court with payment.

Archived Documents
Documents from certain older cases have been stored with the Federal Records Center (FRC). There are two ways to request copies of documents from archived files:

  1. The least expensive option is to order directly from the FRC. Please be sure to first contact the court for specific location information about the files.  Once this information is acquired, you may request copies from the FRC by completing and mailing an FRC Request Form to the FRC or by making the request on-line.  Please refer to the FRC website for information on fees.

  2. The second option is to have the archived file delivered to the court for viewing. Send to the court a Closed Case Request form with method of payment.  The cost to order an archived file is $70.00 for the first box ($43.00 for each additional box) and $0.50 per page for any copies.  You will be notified by the court when the file arrives.  Please allow 10 business days for the file to be delivered to the court.

Payment Options

  1. Money order or cashier’s check (payable to: Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court)

  2. Personal check* (payable to: Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court)

  3. Cash – exact amount only, the Clerk's office does not make change.  Cash will only be accepted when visiting the clerk’s office - please do not mail cash to the court. 

  4. Debit or Credit card* – Please fill out a Credit Card Authorization form and mail the form along with a Copy Request form to the court for processing. 

    *Note to Debtors: Credit cards and personal checks will not be accepted by Debtor(s) whose case is not yet closed.

Contact Information for Copy Requests

US Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Michigan
One Division Avenue, North, Room 200
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Phone:  (616) 456-2693