Judge Boyd's April 9, 2020 Traverse City motion day will be conducted telephonically. Instructions for participating have been posted to the COVID-19 Notices section of the court's website: https://...
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News & Announcements: March, 2020
Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.
Judge Dales's April 1, 2020 Grand Rapids and April 8, 2020 Kalamazoo motion days will be conducted telephonically. Instructions for participating by telephone can be found at the COVID-19 Notices section of the court's website...
Please refer to the COVID-19 Notices section of the Court's website, https://www.miwb.uscourts.gov/covid-19-notices, for a Notice Regarding Wet Signature Requirement.
Please visit the COVID-19 Notices section of the court's website, https://www.miwb.uscourts.gov/covid-19-notices, for important information from the U.S. Trustee regarding telephonic 341 meetings in chapter 7, 12,...
Please take note that new notices have been posted to the court's website regarding Judge Dales's March 26 Lansing motion day, Judge Boyd's April 2 Grand Rapids motion day, and the Court's operations during this period. You can find these...
Judge Dales is encouraging parties to participate in his March 26, 2020 Lansing motion day by telephone. Procedures for doing so can be found in this Notice...
Judge Boyd will be conducting his March 19, 2020 motion day by telephone. Specific procedures can be found here.
Judge Dales is encouraging parties to participate in his March 17, 2020 Kalamazoo motion day by telephone. Procedures for doing so can be found at this link.
Judge Gregg has posted Temporary Hearing Procedures on the court's website. The procedures can be accessed by going to Judge Gregg's page under the "Judges' Info" tab. The procedures can also be found at this link: ...
Please take note of this Notice from the U.S. Trustee regarding no in-person 341 meetings effective immediately...